Water, Wasabi and Wild Foods

I have just finished our latest video https://youtu.be/-ItGiOlPmww about our veggie gardening life and sharing our experiences trying to grow wasabi – the good news is we seem to have finally got it worked out!

We are also covering some simple ways of dealing with soils that aren’t absorbing water properly (hydrophobia) and we even get a flash back to our trip to Spain in the middle of the year when we got to taste wild Rock Samphire, growing on the coast of Galicia.

As it is spring in Australia we are doing a lot of other gardening, mainly moving lots of compost and cow manure as we finally have had the time to start working on new garden beds, as part of our back yard makeover. There are so many things to do!

As you can see in the back of the photo above our broad beans are growing really well. We have had our first feed of them and also some purple podded peas in a stir fry this week.

There is lots more to share including this years tomato seedlings, which are growing away strongly. I’m trying a, new to me, blue tomato called Blue Beauty. I hope it tastes as good as it looks. We also have high hopes of our Padron chilli plants and the range of salad greens we also have coming along.

I hope your gardening is going well too!